Call for papers

The abstracts submission will be closed within a few days

 If you are already registred, you can proceed to submission here

 Key Dates, Deadlines
 Registration opening
 Deadline for submission of abstracts
 Notification of acceptance/rejection
 Deadline for early registration
 Deadline for late registration
 Full paper due

 January 15, 2014
 Closed within a few days
 Before April 30, 2014
 May 18, 2014
 June 8, 2014
 June 15, 2014

 Abstracts and Papers submission
High-quality papers are requested containing original contributions to High Technology and Plasma Processes. Only short abstract submissions will be considered and accepted submissions will be presented as poster or oral presentations at the conference. The invited papers and the best papers will be reviewed by members of the Steering and the Scientific Committees in order to be published in the Open Access Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS).

Step 1 : Abstract Submission Guidelines
Authors have to prepare a short abstract of their presentation consisting of no more than 400 words (including title, spaces, figures
and tables) and submit it electronically through the conference website. Abstracts must be written in English and must not have been previously published. Contributors should specify whether they prefer oral or poster presentation (see second page of the abstract template). Name and save your completed word document as follows: htpp14 underscore abstract underscore last name plus inicials.doc (eg, htpp14_abstract_smithj.doc) for John Smith. If submitting more than one abstract then please name them using a numeral 1 then 2 use all lower case. 

 Download the Abstract template from here and submit your abstract online here.

Step 2 : Submission confirmation & Acceptance of the abstracts
Once you have submitted your details you will receive an email containing a confirmation. All abstracts will be reviewed for suitability by members of Committees which will take the final decisions on acceptance and on the mode of presentation.

Step 3 : Papers Submission Guidelines
Papers are limited to 10 pages with additional fees for more than two papers.

 Download the HTPP Manuscript template from here and submit it online here.

 Step 4 : Presentation: ORAL & POSTER
Accepted papers must be presented by one of the authors in person, at the conference site, and according to the final schedule. Information for Oral Session here and for Paper Session here.

Step 5 : Submission to Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
The selected papers will appear in the Open Access Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS), which is part of IOP Conference Series. All papers published in IOP Conference Series are fully citable and upon publication will be free to download in perpetuity.
Papers must respect the Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS) form available here.

 Proceedings from previous editions of the conference are available via the journal website:
                  - HTPP-12
                  - HTPP-11

If you have questions or queries regarding the abstract submission please contact us: or (+33)561558221

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